Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Gastroparesis Ramble...

I am back in the world of "oh-my-lord-my-body-hurts-beyond-any-reasonable-level-of-allowance".

I'm having difficulty with my appetite.  NOTHING is appealing to me other than dark chocolate, gluten-free biscuits and fruit. I can't even eat enough of those to get my full daily calorie intake.

Silly gastroparesis.

I AM however, thankful for my friend Toni who also saw and loved Helena Bonham Carter's different color shoes and thought of me!  Put a smile on my face.

Trying to convince myself that food is not the enemy...

(Image from ehow.com)

Does anyone else have problems with getting proper nutrition with gastroparesis? (and I do use meal-replacement shakes - I just get sick of them!).



lupie said...

I hope you'll get your appetite back soon!!!

Make yourself to drink something of nutrient!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to tell you about the appetite, but I do know a gastroparesis diet to a T so if you need any info on that i can help. You might want to find something you can do / take to increase your appetite.

Baffled said...

When I saw Helen's dress I thought of you as well :-) I didn't notice that she had two different color shoes on though. Cool.

Sorry I can't help you with that. When I first got sick I had no appetite. My acupunturist put me on double boiled rice just so that I was eating something. I slowly added a little soy sauce and then plain boiled chicken to it. I have no idea if this would work for you however or even if you should be eating this stuff. I think the acupuncture treatments fixed my appetite but it took a while (about 8 treatmetns) for it to work.

middle child said...

My DIL has some of the same diseases you do. She fought forever and finally got disability. No one believed in her but me. So I believe in you. These things are not your fault and it totally sucks to feel like crap and then have others judging you on top of that. Be of strong mind. You are beautiful and wonderfully made.

Alison said...

I had to google gastroparesis, but I assume I have it. Are there any tests? Eating is such a huge problem for me. I have to eat or I get dizzy and such, but when I do eat I am knocked out for hours with coma like fatigue or nausea or bloating.

Right now I'm eating bland rice porridge. I hope it's as easy to digest as my acupuncturist says. I also have no appetite and kind of have to force myself. It's been three years now, I keep thinking it has to let up soon...