- It's almost Invisible Illness Week! I'm so excited and want to play a part in it!
- Websites that stream television, as I am too poor to be able to pay for cable.
- Friends who will come be with you whenever your life is falling apart.
- Beautiful places in the countryside.
- That the people in my life are healthier than I am :P.
- Chamomile tea.
- The full moon.
- Down blankets.
- Driving from ominous black storm clouds into the light!
- Cats (with dull claws...haha)
- Chocolate
- Bright colors. Lots of them. Need cheer.
A day to day look into the life of a chronically ill girl trying to make ends meet in the best ways possible.
-TTT!!! (wink)
-that my parents are finally showing signs of the beginning twinges of understanding my limitations
-makeup obsession.
-that i'm rewatching the OC for no good reason
-i finally got my room into a semblance of order (even though there are still unpacked things crammed in a corner)
-i managed a whole round around the neighborhood w/o getting all dizzy for the first time since i got home
-SR (@gradstdntwlupus)
1. The weather. It is beautiful but not too hot, I don't even need the ac.
2. My fiancee. He is my life and I don't know what I'd do without him.
3. My kitties. They are my babies.
4. All of my amazing spoonie friends.
Been a bad week for me too, I can't think of alot.
1. My book comes out next week!
2. The new herbs from my acupuncturist seem to keep me from waking up every morning at 4 a.m. Yay!
3. My husband, as always. He'll do anything for me.
4. My dog because he doesn't know I'm sick.
5. Mad Men, especially the nutty character they've installed as Don Draper's new secretary.
6. Chocolate, always chocolate.
* scooping maple or mocha fudge ice cream into a waffle cone (and then eating it, of course; must try waffle bowls some time.
* birds at the bird feeders in my yard
* "jitter bugs" and lightening bugs in the back yard
* masterpiece mystery theatre: Inspector Lewis series
* french toast or Belgium waffles with butter and maple syrup
I sense a theme: better go outside and eat something!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hi, Annie -
Good for you for looking for the good things! I know you've been going through a rough time.
As for me, I'm just happy this week is over!! It was my kids' last week of summer vacation, and I spent the week running around nonstop - I'm so wiped out!
So, I'm very grateful that it's Friday night, and I'm looking forward to watching a DVD with my husband tonight.
I'm also happy the weather was so beautiful this week - it finally dropped below 90 in Delaware, and we were even able to turn off the a/c at night (good thing since it wasn't working for 4 days!)
Enjoy the weekend!
* It was a lovely sunny 75F day today.
* A white butterfly kept me company while I was in the hammock today.
* I think my husband is starting to understand my illness.
* I got a referal to an infectious disease specialist at Tufts. Yeah!
* Bare Naked chocolate granola. Yes!
* My cats.
* My kid who helps me out a lot.
* My work that has 6 months of paid sick leave. Thank goodness.
* My ankle is healing nicely.
And to think I was having an icky week. I think I am just getting scared that this won't be over soon and I don't know if I will get better or worse.
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