Monday, September 27, 2010

Things That Bug Me Mondays

  • How I don't remember sub cheese tasting as gross in the past as it did today! Yuck.
  • Trying to remember something from my childhood and having it be totally gone, while everyone else in the room can remember the moment!
  • That I feel other people's feelings too strongly.
  • Being too tired to fill out my sleep study questionnaire (oh the irony!).
  • People. Drama. Anger. I have a LOT of it right now.  I know, not a healthy emotion, and try to channel it into other things.
  • Being diagnosed on the Aspergers spectrum, and yet having no idea how to find help to learn social cues and whatnot as an adult :/ (but thankfully Twitter friends helped!).
  • Feeling torn :(.
(Images from WeHeartIt)

What is ticking you off this Monday??  I've been almost too tired to post this blog, so I'm sure other people out there need a rant!



Toni said...

Love the Aldous Huxley quote Annie.

You amaze me everyday: how you write this blog and inspire others despite all you're having to deal with.

Maria Marz said...

Insurance company questionnaires

Baffled said...

*all the stupid paperwork my company makes me fill out every month to prove that I'm still sick
*all the stupid forms the insurance company wants
*I might have to see one of the insurance company doctors
*bad drivers
*swinging between insomnia and sleeping for 12 hours straight
*being out of synch with the rest of the world: I have to make all of my appointments for the afternoon since I'm still sleeping most mornings
*doctors not having office hours at 1am when I feel ok
*being stuck in the house

elisabeth said...

While it's mainly geared toward early diagnosis, has some really great idea/tips for practising skills and such! *hugs*