Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Holidays???? I Think Yes!!

I made a paper garland today :).

That's right I am 5 years old! WEEEEEEEEE.

We bought our Christmas tree and it is up and looking beautiful.

Reasons I LOVE Christmas
1. Decorations
2. Songs!
3. Presents (both giving and getting!)
4. Starbucks Holiday Cups and Drinks!
5. The infectious energy! (not so much the infectious colds and flus...)
7. The Movies (Elf...The Holiday...Love Actually...anyone in with me??)
8. Gift packs - I don't know why, but I love getting random necessities in pretty box sets!
9. Having my sister/friends come home!
10. The fact that it's the beloved's first one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Makes it extra-celebratory this year.

Now for images of paper garlands much snazzier than the one I came up with ...

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