Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weekend Fun!

It's time for......


Loathe: Working on Halloween.

Love: Going out tonight to see all the awesome costumes!!! I'm going to be a cowgirl :).

Loathe: Waiting in life for 4 hours to get my H1N1 Flu shot.

Love: The fact that everyone in line was trying to make each other feel better. One older gentleman even bought me a coffee because I looked tired!! It somewhat restored my faith in humanity. Plus, it's good to have some immunity to said illness as I'm so prone to being sick in the first place.
Loathe: The fact that I have no money. Negatory dinero. Dirt poor. Sad.

Love: The fact that if I did have money, I would spend it all on!!! It's so dreamy and fantastic.

Finally, I managed to stumble upon the fantastic blog - - and every single thing listed is so true, and brings joy to my life (and apparently everyone's). I highly recommend you check it out.

Much love!


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