Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's Gonna Be One Of Those Days...

I am sometimes quite positive that the world is out to get me.  This may be a bit of paranoia shining through, but after a day as bad as yesterday I was hoping for a little relief.

Despite taking 2 mg of Clonazepam, I was unable to sleep for more than a couple of hours.  As a result, I decided I wanted to take a bath in the middle of the night, so as to distract myself from the fact that there is nothing to do and being an insomniac on top of being in pain sucks.  A lot.  So I did.  The bath worked out okay, until I went to empty it and climb out.  First, the cord on the plug snapped off in my hand.  Then, the little silver hook popped off of the plug.  I tried to pull the plug with my fingers and reattach the silver hook in the soapy water, but no such luck.  I guess I am doomed to having a bathtub full of water until someone comes to fix it.

I then decided I wanted to try a cup of Vanilla Chai Latte, as both my boyfriend and I managed to spend yesterday puking and I was dehydrated and hungry.  Do you think I could open the cap?  Of course not.  My man isn't going to be up for another 2 hours (if I'm lucky), so I get to drink calorie-less water.

Okay...that was quite a rant.

Pretty pictures to distract (from WeHeartIt):

(Found at Gala Darling)



steph said...

i want blue hair. so bad.

Annie said...

I hear ya.

amanda said...

rants are nice to have. sometimes we just need to get things off the chest. and what better way than spilling all over a blog! right?

i hope your thursday gets happier!

Sarah said...

You should have called me to fix the tub and take the cap off. I was up all night as well.

Anything I can do to brighten your day and I'm there!!

Love you Madly Annie!!

Rosebud Beads said...

Sorry to hear about all that ucky bad stuff...

I LOVE that second last dress!

Kerry said...

Annie, think we were living at the same vibration yesterday. I too had a pain attack (IC) of those unbearable, shivery ones. A bath helps so I made one, shaking from pain and struggling to manipulate knobs and the plug and getting in and out of the tub...I ended up in tears...

On my counter is a box of Vanilla Chai Tea.

Sometimes (often) this illness, and all that comes with is overwhelmingly overwhelming!

elisabeth said...

aw crap *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Annie, Why were you guys pucking? What did I miss? The bath sounds wonderful (I don't have a tub) and a shower just isn't the same. Hope the Man can get the plug out for you. Hope your day changes and you feel better.

Annie said...

Thank you everyone for your well wishes. I believe we have a bit of a flu bug going around the house.

Kerry, it's cool that we are on the same wavelength. Makes me feel wayyy more normal haha. I agree, I am overwhelmingly overwhelmed these days.