Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Book Recommendation: Still Alice

As a result of having been hit with the flu, I've been down and out for most of last night/this morning. However, I'm coming around thanks to my good old friends - sleep and drugs. I even squeezed some time in there to get some insulin tests done up at the hospital. I'm like the most productive sick person doing sick things ever.

Haha, I liked that last statement too much. It's a good thing I find myself hilarious.

I thought it was due time I shared another book recommendation. I read like it is going out of style (which it never could be thanks to the growing fascination with portable book electronics - BUT DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON MY LOVE OF THE PAPERBACK...), so I have no shortage of material from which to pick.

My choice this time around is Still Alice by Lisa Genova.

This is a story about a Harvard cognitive psychology professor who values her mind more than anything else in her life - her husband, children, or possessions. Of course, she is hit with early-onset Alzheimer's Disease. Alice is put through the situation of having to lose what she treasures most slowly and with the full knowledge of every step that is to come. As such, she learns what it is like to change all priorities and look for reasons to live outside of what has become ingrained on her psyche.

Tragic, I know.

Sadly, this is a story I relate to above all others. I have lost significant memory since my illnesses have gotten worse. I've been stuck in situations where traveling is no longer an easy option. I have to pick new things as reasons to love life every single day. Alice, although incredibly flawed and stubborn (as most of us are), is a newfound hero in my list of literary greats.

I highly recommend.


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