Thursday, December 10, 2009

Winter Storm Love

Oh that was a good sleep. Mind you, I had to prepare a cocktail of clonazepam, tylenol, and benadryl to get there, but I got there. Alas, now I am in a moderate drug coma where opening my eyes/moving my hands to type seems to be an epic battle.

Plus I dreamed that I was running around cool is that?

We had a snow storm last night so that will inspire my list of favorite things about Winter and the storms that come with it (click on photos for links).

Self-made reading nooks! I'd much rather have an old-fashioned one, but in a pinch this one will do.

My boyfriend! As he is super cuddly and nice to me...and we can curl up in front of the tv together when storms are happening.

Candles. I have a little tea light holder from the dollar store that is in constant use with a rotation of the jumbo packs of tea light candles that you can buy.
Hats to keep your head warm. Particularly of the flapper and beret variety. They are my faves :).

Quilts. I love mine and spend all of my time on the couch with it wrapped around me...not only for warmth, but for beauty.
Colored tights! And while we're at it...Gossip Girl isn't too shabby either.

Hot chocolate. Coffee. Starbucks lattes, which fall somewhere between the two. Tea. Anything hot beverage related and I'm in heaven.

Other things include:
  • Watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns.
  • Sitting in the dark with my Christmas tree lights on.
  • Taking a walk in the snowstorm to feel how tiny I am in relation to the universe.
  • Eating soups.
  • Wearing oversized sweaters.
On that note, I am going to shower and prepare to go learn more about the iPod.

Much love!

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